
Check out our portfolio of work for commercial and residential.

We deliver truck

Renner Livestock

Luke Knaff


7th Ranch

Small Project

SuperForm is the preferred choice when using ICF because of the unmatched strength, extreme fire resistance, excellent noise cancellation, comfort, reduced maintenance and disaster resilience.

C Place

Considering factors such as location and costs of labour, the average home built with SuperForm ICF is roughly 5% more than conventional methods at completion (not including long-term energy savings or lower maintenance costs).

Frito Lay

Thanks to builders becoming accustomed to ICF basement builds in many areas, it is common for SuperForm ICF basements to be less expensive or on par with conventional methods at completion.

Hardin Water

Builds constructed entirely with SuperForm ICF have up to 60% less energy costs compared to traditional construction.

Home Show

SuperForm recommends placing concrete in 4’ lifts per hour, as per ACI 318 standard practice. Backed by experience, SuperForm installers routinely stack and pour 12 vertical feet, with some pours as high as 15 feet. For those without extensive experience, 8-10 vertical feet is common.


Due to the unmatched strength of the SuperForm Blocks, minimal scabbing/cleating is needed. With an opening that is close to a corner, some cleats or scabs are used to tie it all together, but generally, no spray foam or tape is needed.

K Francis

Even though SuperForm is extremely tight-fitting block, it is still essential to apply damp-proofing to your below-grade builds. We stock high-quality Soprema and a 1-piece tarp, making damp-proofing fast and straightforward.


SuperForm is proud of being green. We recycle most EPS foam used in our community and plastics used in our facility. Our EPS foam emits no CFCs, HCFCs, or VOCs. The energy efficiency of SuperForm makes for the use of fewer resources to keep the indoors comfortable, less job-site waste, and fewer trees needed.


S Johnson

S Kern

S Stevens
